Okay this is a tuffy! I am really just looking for someone to point me
in the right direction, or tutorials or something! maybe ideas
1st - I have created a Lat and Long distance calculator... it takes 2
user inputed zip codes... accesses the MySQL DB for the Lat and Longs...
then figures out the distance between them...
Now there are 2 things I want to do here... take a map of the US...
PNG.. GIF... what ever... and associate the Lat/Long with coordinates on
the image... like a image map in HTML (sort of) - the first thing I want
to do is draw a line from point A to point B (on the map)... the second
is draw a circle for a search radius... 
hmmm... it would also be cool if the image could be zoomed in on....
like... scaled down to 100 mile x 100 miles... and then show the 75 mile
radius circle....
okay, that's enough for now... hope someone can point me in the right
Joe Harman
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying
of nothing. - Redd Foxx 

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