Hi there!

I had a perfectly working installation of apache 1.23 and php4.12  -
unfortunatly i got heavy problems with the mail()
function that didnt seem to like my subjects and froms. anyway - i just
de-installed apache and php and reinstalled the
most recent versions (apache 1.27 and php 4.32) - i followed the very
same way like always while installing:

but i fail. i can´t start apache with php, actually i do not get any
meaningful errormessage (the only thing is NET HELPMSG 3534)

Anybody an idea what could be wrong? Or how i can just test the php.ini
configuration on windows with errormessage output?

thanks in advance,

- Johannes

Mit freundlichen Grüssen   |*|
[Johannes Reichardt]       |*|
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Webaddict +49172/3895500   |*|
gramba.net:typorized.com   |*|

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