Ow Mun Heng wrote,
>       Mind my ignorance but what is webservices??


You don't really need to use http/HTML when talking machine-to-machine.
XML is convenient and has some standards, but is also not necessary.

Write a DTD that reveals the data you need. Write a little server script
that reveals the data you want. Since you can't access the real data,
use stubs for the access methods and hard code the data in your
mock-server. Write a little client script that grabs the data from your
mock-server script and passes it to your application. When that's
running, encrypt the data stream from the server and decrypt in in the
client. Brew up a little (encrypted) login-logout routine to increase
their confidence level, then give all three to the other department and
ask if they could either fill in the blanks or build their own version
of the server. 

Then they control their side of the interface, both you and they control
the DTD/encryption/login/logout together, and all you have to worry
about is your client.

> ...
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 3:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Grabbing info from other Sites
> Hello
> The only way I can imageine is using curl and doing standard post get 
> requests. But this will put you at the mercy of the other dep. since a 
> change in design may force a change in your logic. 
> If you can, try to build a separate interface for your app which you can 
> use to interface the backend of the other deps. You might even consider 
> Webservices. This way you are independend of the design of the site.

Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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