> Quite a while ago now, I wrote a simple HTTP proxy in PHP that listens on
> 4887 by default. It is a single script, so it is pretty easy to follow,
> you're welcome to check it out at http://protoscope.org/. It is probably a
> better example than I could come up with here.
I've downloaded your scripts and tried to test it on my server. Please
correct me if im doing it right.
I've opened services and port from the server to automatically run
protoscope only  during  acces in the given port (http:\\myserver.com:4887)

protoscope stream  tcp     nowait.1000     root.root

protoscope 4887/tcp

My question's are :
1. How could i access the rest of my php script residing in
/usr/local/mikecarel/ (http://myserver.com:4887/index.php) ?
2. If ever does the POST and GET method works properly on this?
3. Do I still need to install apache?

Hope I understand your application correctly.


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