yes, that is what "CPT John W. Holmes" suggested.  I will do that.
In the meantime, I'm going to join the w3c mailing list.

thank you.

Justin French wrote:

Whilst I have not tested this on multiple platforms/browsers, I believe if you only specify one (the width for example), the browser will proportionately sace the height.

The is useful with a fixed width OR height area, but does not solve a scenario where there are height AND width contraints.

But you could work it out pretty easily with getimagesize and some ratio calculations... wrap it up in a function pretty easily :)

In fact, there are some functions and notes in the user-contributed section of the above URL that do this for you :)


On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 11:31 PM, John Manko wrote:

Ok, I'm surprised that this is not taken care of with HTML.

I propose the following standard (but also looking for a PHP workaround if available)
for the Img HTML tag:

RATIO = Keep|Ignore, default Ignore

< img width='x' height='y' RATIO='Keep|Ignore' >

Where, RATIO=Keep will inlarge the image to a
max WIDTH or HEIGHT (which ever comes first),
without changing the perspective ratio.

I don't want to have to use Photoshop or Gimp to
ensure that the images a width=x or heigth=y will keep ratio.

If anyone belongs to W3C, please consider this.


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