I really think that this depends on the topic. I know that if I'm looking for an editor (esp for a language just starting in), I can search google all day, but end up with a list full of fud. In situations like this, I would prefer to go straight to the source and ask the people who have put most editors for that languange to the test, and sometimes that means I need to post to a mailing list. Now, I''m not saying that you don't have a point (All too often people ask without even trying to find the answer themselves. I sometimes find myself doing this, and it's a shame becuase there is so much information a person misses out on that he/she would not normally be exposed to.), but you have to ask yourself "A beginner, or a veteran?" Othertimes, I just want to be sure I didn't miss something that would be ideal. I don't know...just my .02.

Joseph Szobody wrote:

Btw, I found all of these on the first two pages of a simple Google search. Might be worth trying in the future. :-)

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