Well if phpinfo.php looks like <?php phpinfo(); ?>, and when you view it 
through the server you get tons of data, PHP is working. If you just get 
<?php phpinfo(); ?>, it's not.

On Thursday 17 July 2003 02:28 pm, jsWalter wrote:
> What part of phpinfo.php tells me that mod_php4 is loaded and running on my
> Apache2/PHP 4.3.2 Win 2k system?
> php.conf (apache conf):
>    # Windows Win32 version
>    LoadModule php4_module modules/php4apache2.dll
>    LoadFile "/etc/php/php4ts.dll"
> NOTE: pls, no comments on the lack of volume letter,
>       this works if Apache *and* php are on the same volume.
> phpinfo - apache2handler: Loaded Modules:
>    core              mod_win32            mpm_winnt
>    http_core         mod_so               mod_access
>    mod_actions       mod_alias            mod_asis
>    mod_auth          mod_autoindex        mod_cgi
>    mod_dir           mod_env              mod_imap
>    mod_include       mod_isapi            mod_log_config
>    mod_mime          mod_negotiation      mod_setenvif
>    mod_userdir       sapi_apache2         mod_ssl
> thanks
> walter

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