This is done with javascript... without getting too off topic... JS can get the contents of the textarea, and submit it via get (maybe post as well) to another (pop-up) window. the pop-up window can highlght misspelled words, and even make dynamic changes to the content in the first window.

it's pretty complex stuff though... and definitely NOT for the JS newbie...

look around the JS lists and sites for something that might give you a head start.


On Sunday, July 20, 2003, at 02:37 PM, Jason Giangrande wrote:

I have a question about forms and PHP. Here's what I'm looking to do.
I'm trying to set up a spell checker that checks text entered in a form,
but I want the check results to show up in a different window so that
the user can change the misspelled words if they'd like. In other
words, I want to be able to click a link and have another page open that
checks the spelling. My question is how can I send the text from the
form to this other page (which, right now, is a separate php script) so
it can be spell checked without actually submitting the actual form
first? In other words, I would like the user to be able to check the
spelling without actually submitting the form.

Jason Giangrande

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