> However, on 7/18 all 26 of my scheduled tasks stopped running; one of 
> which continuously ran for 4 days straight w/o stopping (nor could I
> manually stop it).  I deleted the runaway process and recreated it; now
> not a single one of my 26 scheduled Win2000 tasks I created using
> MS-DOS AT commands work (which were working since 7/2).

I really don't know what I'm talking about here, but I think you have to
register those scheduled tasks. Is the registry ok?

> I am now looking into programmatic alternatives.  I really could use 
> some ideas that are practical given my situation.  I'm thinking PHP
> since I am very comfortable with it, were it possible within my bizarre
> Win2000 environment, but I need something that will clean those XML
> files remotely on a regular basis, it's important for website
> maintenance.  Any help appreciated.

Just a random suggestion, but how about having one scheduled task, and
it's job is to run the 26 jobs you are presently trying to run as
scheduled tasks. You reduce the load on MSW's scheduling, and you get
more control over things like which tasks have to complete before others

Of course, moving it all to Linux or one of the BSDs might help, but you
might also want to check the design -- maybe there are some
interdependencies, so that it would help to be able to make sure certain
tasks are done before others, and that they all finish before starting

I did a little script to mail out files on a regular basis. A co-worker
wrote a C program that was called by the MSW2k scheduler, and that C
program checked that my mailing script had completed before it tried to
start another instance of the script.

Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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