FYI. I did this login page for another website last month and I used the
code from it to do this one. The other one works perfectly. I checked
that code again today and there is ABSOLUTELY no differnce. I even used
the same variables and session names. The only difference between the
two sites is that the one that works is running IIS on Windows 2000
Server. The broken one is on a Linux box running Apache. Both PHP and
MySQL are the same versions. Remember also that the Header redirect is
working in the page, which is even more confusing.

I have really given up on it. It just ain't gonna work - no matter what
I do. I thought I finally had it working again, but of course - another
f*** up.

Can you explain this? Along with my other code I used a little piece of
javascript to do the redirect, and lo and behold it worked. But now my
paths are all screwed up. I just don't get it.

In the example I tried, the page I am redirected to has a form on it.
When I click submit it should go to the page specified in the action,
which is season_write.php.

<FORM onSubmit="return checkrequired(this)" ACTION="season_write.php"
action="post" name="seasons">

But for some reason it tries to go to /setup/season_write.php. This is
not specified anywhere in any of my code. So where the hell it getting
this from. 

The more I use PHP the more I am becoming convinced I should be using
something else. This is just ridiculous.

<!-- Begin
window.location="<? echo $_SESSION['goto']; ?>";
// End -->

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Hunter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: July 23, 2003 5:44 PM
To: Beauford.2005
Subject: Re: [PHP] I'm really getting annoyed with PHP


1. What verion of php are you running?
2. What version of apache are you running? Or other web server? 3. What
is your configuration for php? check phpinfo() 4. Is php built from
source or a binary (rpm, exe)? 5. What OS are you running on and what


On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 13:41, Beauford.2005 wrote:
> Yes, I'm still screwing around with this stupid redirection thing, and

> either I'm just a total idiot or there are some serious problems with 
> PHP. I have now tried to do it another way and - yes - you guessed it.

> It does not work.
> I mean really, it can not be this hard to redirect a user to another 
> page. If it is, then I must look into using something else as I just 
> can't be wasting days and days on one minor detail that should take 30

> seconds to complete.
> If anyone has some concrete suggestion on how to get this to work It 
> would be greatly appreciated. In the mean time I have given up on it 
> as I am just totally pissed off at it.

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