How about you can get a the world's fastest PC, a 64bit server that handles
8gig of memory that can run cicles around any wintel based machine and still
use all the *nix software without having rewrite anything for say $3k.
That's with 10/100/1000 ethernet ports. It already has hugely more installed
base than Linux (7 million) and can still run all your favorite MS software
even Windows OS if so inclined-- as an additional application. There is no
server/user license fees from the manufacturer. For bigger projects, thing
like Oracle are available. It doesn't require a whole new staff of certified
(READ $$$$$) staff to manage and maintain. In fact, $1k a year can buy you
30min 24/7 phone response and 4hr business hours on-site response time
factory service.

For $6k you can put fibre channel 1.25T of raid data. If you really need a
GUI for all the *nix stuff and perhaps don't care to unload or compile from
source, a "Server" option for $500 will give you all kinds of GUI interfaces
to the settings, again- unlimited users.

Jerry Artman
Budget and Reimbursement

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