> Finally,
> Thanks to all that tried to help, but I found part of the problem - sort
> of. In the file that I am trying to redirect to I have a form with the
> line:
> <FORM onSubmit="return checkrequired(this)" ACTION="season-write.php"
> action="post" name="testing">
> It appears this line was corrupt somehow.

CR/LF in your files brought over from MSWindows?

> After I rewrote the line from
> scratch it solved the problem of my paths being screwed up - why - I
> have no idea. Maybe it had some weird control characters or something
> that was screwing things up.
> However, there is still a problem with the header function - it still
> will not redirect. 

So did you check for things like CR/LF?

Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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