> Hi Everone, I had a question about PHP and Flash. I have a navbar buttons
> that I made in Flash MX, but the PHP script I want it to be displayed for
> an auto-generated photoalbum, so the "Next" and "Previous" buttons have
> to change meaning at every pageload. I was wondering if there is a way to
> pass a variable on with the script to that I can program the button to
> "getURL $nextpage" or something of the sort. Thanks a bunch,
> Taylor Smith

when your loading your flash movie, inside the param and embed tags, after
the filename, include your variables as you would using GET...

<object ..............>
        <param name="movie" value="main.swf?pagenum=1&display=15">
        <embed src="main.swf?pagenum=1&display=15" ...................... >

this will pass the variables directly into _root in your flash movie where
you can utilise them from there. this should solve your problem. although
please excuse any syntax errors, this is straight from the top of my head...


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