> You say: Nothing special html wise.
> then can you tell me how its done?

there's some nice simple CSS behind it to give the nice border and colour
changes, but yes, nothing special HTML wise. it's a simple table

> The content is dynamic being pulled from the database..how do i get it in
> one table in that layout?

the best way is gonna be to put all your db content into an array and then
sort through it from there. if you use an associative array, you can put
each table row together...

display[setupfee][] = $result[0][0];
display[setupfee][] = $result[0][1];
display[monthlyfee][] = $result[1][0];
display[monthlyfee][] = $result[1][1];

... and so on.

not sure if i'm explaining this very well, or with the greatest syntax, but
hopefully you get the idea...


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