What happens if you use a non-breaking html space instead? I.e Eval&nbsp#


On Monday 28 Jul 2003 9:06 am, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> Hi,
>       I have this problem, which could easily be solved through a name
> change but I would like to learn more.
> There's a table set up from a MySQL query like this
> row1) Eval #  Title           # Heads         My Findings
> row2) P1000           Title1    6                     This is my findings
> row3) P1223           Eg 2              3                     2nd findings
> row1 is the header columns, the title names are derived from sql statement
> executed as SELECT eval_no as "Eval #" etc..
> row1 is also set up such that if the user clicks the link, it will trigger
> a SQL comand to sort it.
> The problem here is the '#' sign/key. spaces are no problem. the
> $_GET['sort'] is not able to get the whole field, as such "Eval #" can only
> be recognised as "Eval" and thus sql is not able to sort it.
> I've looked at the php.ini file and tried setting these 2 configs
> <snip from php manual>
> arg_separator.output string
> The separator used in PHP generated URLs to separate arguments.
> arg_separator.input string
> List of separator(s) used by PHP to parse input URLs into variables.
> Note: Every character in this directive is considered as separator!
> </snip>
> but it still does not work..
> <snip>
> This is how the link looks like
>0 #&dir=ASC
> Help... Please...
> ==========view_tracker.php==============
> $l_column_header = nl2br(mysql_field_name($l_results,$k));
> echo nl2br(sql_sort_by_header($l_column_header, $l_column_header,
> sql_sort_cat, $sql_sort_dir) );
> =============sql_functions===========
> function sql_sort_by_header( $p_string, $p_sort_field, $p_sort, $p_dir ) {
>         if ( $p_sort_field == $p_sort ) {
>             # we toggle between ASC and DESC if the user clicks the same
> sort order
>             if ( 'ASC' == $p_dir ) {
>                 $p_dir = 'DESC';
>             } else {
>                 $p_dir = 'ASC';
>             }
>         }
> echo '<a href="view_set_tracker.php?sort=' . $p_sort_field . '&amp;dir=' .
> $p_dir . '">'. $p_string .'</a>';
>     }
> =================view_set_tracker.php================
>       $_SESSION['sql_sort_cat']       = '';
>       $_SESSION['sql_sort_dir']       =
> $GLOBALS['g_default_sql_sort_dir'];
>       $_SESSION['sql_sort_cat']       = $_GET['sort'];
>       if (!empty( $_GET['dir'] ))
>       {
>               $sql_sort_dir = $_GET['dir'];
>       }
>       header_redirect_html("view_tracker.php");
> }
> ?>
> =================================
> Cheers,
> Mun Heng, Ow
> H/M Engineering
> Western Digital M'sia
> DID : 03-7870 5168

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