On Jul 28, 2003, "Jason Wong" claimed that:

|On Monday 28 July 2003 13:52, TWSC HQ wrote:
|> Sorry - by caling I meant to echo the cookie value on a .pl page - and
|> include it (the cookie value)then in an email.
|> Any help would be appreciated because the PERL list people said I must try
|> a PHP list -
|A cookie is a cookie regardless of what mechanism was used to set/create it.
|Just ask on the perl list how to read a cookie (no need to mention php).

Or, you could do a web search and find

A perl list would be better for all your perl needs, but I think you'll
find the PHP people, in general, when you don't repeat your original post
every day, and you follow the suggestions, and post relevant portions of
your code, and wrap your messages correctly, and don't ask a question that
was just asked by someone else, and don't send UCE, and aren't a troll, to
more helpful.

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