
Friday, July 25, 2003, 1:48:50 AM, you wrote:
AM> I am having a problem with uploading a file from a form.  I changed the
AM> permission on the directory, but I am still getting an error.  Here is my
AM> error:

AM> Copy failed./home/vencel/www/images/apt/company_logo/14Update Failed!

AM> It looks like it's not finding the file type.  Here is my code:

AM> <? include("../includes/database.php"); ?>
AM> <?
AM> $long_path = "/home/vencel/www/images/apt/";
AM> $short_path = "../images/apt/";

AM>    for(reset($HTTP_POST_VARS);
AM>                       $key=key($HTTP_POST_VARS);
AM>                       next($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
AM>          $this = addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]);
AM>          $this = strtr($this, ">", " ");
AM>          $this = strtr($this, "<", " ");
AM>          $this = strtr($this, "|", " ");
AM>          $$key = $this;
AM>    }

AM> //Check for form fields, insert them.

AM> //Pull out the id auto-incremented from previous insert.

AM> //Check to see if a full-sized photo was uploaded
AM>  if ($photo == "none") { 
AM>     echo "No photo.";
AM>     } else {
AM>       $end = strrchr($photo_name, ".");
AM> echo $end;
AM>       $new_photo_name = $company_id[0] . $end;
AM>       if ([EMAIL PROTECTED]($photo, $long_path . "company_logo/" . $photo_name)) {
AM>           echo "Copy failed.";
AM>           echo $long_path . "company_logo/" . $photo_name;
AM> echo $new_photo_name;
AM>       } else {
AM>         $long_photo_path = $long_path . "company_logo/" . $new_photo_name;
AM>         $photo_path = $short_path . "company_logo/" . $new_photo_name;
AM>         if ([EMAIL PROTECTED]($long_path . "logo/" . $photo_name,
AM>            $long_photo_path)){
AM>            echo "Full sized photo not renamed.";
AM>         }
AM>       }
AM>     }
AM>     $add_image_query .= "UPDATE apt_company_t set
AM> company_logo_path='$photo_path', ";
AM>     $add_image_query .= "WHERE company_cd = $company_id[0]";
AM>     mysql_query($add_image_query) or die("Update Failed!");
AM>     } 
} ?>>
AM> <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION=<? echo $PHP_SELF ?>>
AM> <table>
AM> <TR>
AM> <td colspan = 2><B>Use the <i>Browse</i> button to locate your file on
AM> your computer or local network.</B></td></tr>
AM> <tr>
AM> <td>Company Logo File:      </td><td><input type="file" name="photo"

AM> <tr>
AM> <td colspan=2 align=center><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Add"></td>
AM> </tr>
AM> </table>

AM> Any ideas?

The first thing is to add ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" to the form

<FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" METHOD="post" ACTION=<? echo $PHP_SELF ?>>

Then the rest will depend on what version of php you have.

It may be worth doing print_r($_FILES); to see if that is available.


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