
I've got a little problem with coding some php/mysql, this is what I have :

Table Search
HouseID | FacilityID | SurroundingID | PriceID | TypeID | CountryID |
   1    |      1     |       0       |    3    |    4   |     2     |
   1    |      3     |       0       |    3    |    4   |     2     |
   1    |      5     |       0       |    3    |    4   |     2     |
   1    |      0     |       3       |    3    |    4   |     2     |
   2    |      0     |       0       |    3    |    5   |     2     |
   2    |      0     |       1       |    3    |    5   |     2     |
   2    |      5     |       0       |    3    |    5   |     2     |

Query 1 : 

(I only want result on houses which are in country 2 and in price 3 and
facility 1 must be included on the spot)

I've used :
SELECT HouseID FROM Search WHERE CountryID='2' AND PriceID='3' AND

Result 1 :

HouseID 1 and HouseID 2 this one is right.

Query 2 : 

(I only want result on houses which are in country 2 and in price 3 and
facility 1 and 5 must be included on the spot)

I've used :
SELECT HouseID FROM Search WHERE CountryID='2' AND PriceID='3' AND
(FacilityID='1' OR FacilityID='5')

Result 2 : 

again HouseID 1 and HouseID 2, the problem here is that HouseID 2 doesn't
contain Facility 1.

The problem here is just that when I give more criteria to the query the
result is or equal or even bigger then when I give less criteria, it should
be just the other way around, that is I want a more detailed result, does
anyone have the solution for this problem ?

A. Boontjes aka Tuin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Web-developer at : www.TomDeeDom.com & www.Impression.nl

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