on Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:35 PM said:

> hi there , i have an issue trying to split content into pages , we
> have a popup with content and a background image with a set height ,
> when there is more content the background repeats , theoretically i'd
> want to split the content into pages after a given length or line
> length or where it meets the background image height how can i do
> this ? 

This can be easy.

1. Make sure the content does not adjust itself based on the size of the
browser window. That is to say that the space that contains the content
should be a fixed width.

2. Then you need to calculate how many words you can legitimately fit
into this fixed space without going over.

If you 150 words will fit in the space but go right up to the very edge
and are almost spilling into a new "page" you should pull the number of
words back to 120 or something to try and make sure that the text will
not spill over.

You can be more precise if you use a fixed width font like Courier New.
If you use a variable width font (not sure if that is the technical
term) you'll have to do a little more guessing because 10 i's are not
the same width as 10 w's.


p.s. There is no space before a comma!

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