Well, now I feel slightly embarassed. I wasn't thinking of the
possibility your site was hosted. My apologies for being a little overly

> Yeah, definatley reason to explore the possibilities... But this is
> really my own stupid fault it got there in the first place... I had an
> image upload form and I didn't tell it only to accept image/jpeg or
> image/gif

So you know how it probably got there. That's a good thing.

The next step would have been to check whether the form would actually
run. If it didn't, then _maybe_ you had some breathing room. 

> Resolution... I deleted everything, and took down the upload form and
> notified my webhost... I guess it wasn't the first time they've seen
> this... So the are taking action on it and probably canceling my
> account... LOL... 

That's probably the safest and quickest approach, anyway. And I'm sure
they appreciate the notification. I sure would.

Joel Rees, programmer, Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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