On Jul 31, 2003, "Steve Buehler" claimed that:

|I still can't figure something out.  I am using WinXP/Apache 1.3.24/PHP
|4.2.3 on my laptop and my cookies still don't work like they
|should.  Hopefully someone can explain to me why.
|header("Set-Cookie: aa_host=$cookhost;");
|setcookie ("aa_host", "$cookhost",0,"/","$cookhost");
|setcookie ("aa_host", "localhost",0,"/","localhost");
|setcookie ('aa_host', 'localhost',0,'/','localhost');
|I can set the cookie with the "header" line with no problem, but either one
|of the "setcookie" lines will not set the cookie.  Has anybody seen
|this?  Does anybody know why this might be happening?  BTW, no, I do not
|try to set all of these at once.  Just showing the lines that I use.  The
|"header" line and the first two "setcookie" lines work just fine on a
|RedHat 7.3/Apache 1.3.27/PHP 4.2.2 machine.

1st, what is the difference between what you are expecting and what you
are getting?

2nd, you do realize that since you're setting the cookies to have an
expiration of 0, that will delete the cookies when the brower is closed.

3rd, you know that you can't pick up the cookies in the same page where
they are set.

try letting some defaults persist to track downm errors:
setcookie ("aa_host", $cookhost,time()+3600);

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