Hi Dan-

I'm one of the two guys who wrote the extension.

This would seem to be a different SDK than the one we use. Can you point me to
(or send me) the one you downloaded? I'm unfamiliar with the VENDOR and PARTNER
attributes, and I'm not sure I understand the point behind using your own
client certificate (unless it replaced the USER&PWD authentication method,
which it apparently doesn't).

Can you touch on what these are for? We can surely add support for the
cert_path, I'm just not sure I understand what advantage it provides over using
Verisign's default certificate, which is compiled into their SDK.


On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, Dan Harrington wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using Payflow Pro as a payment processor on RedHat Linux and I need to
> be able to specify the cert directory so that we can process transactions.
> I can make things work with a shell script:
> ---
> #!/bin/sh
> PFPRO_CERT_PATH=/usr/local/ssl/certs;export PFPRO_CERT_PATH
> ./pfpro test-payflow.verisign.com 443
> "TRXTYPE=S&TENDER=C&VENDOR=(ourvendorname)&PARTNER=(ourpartner)&USER=(ouruse
> rname)
> &PWD=(ourpassword)&ACCT=5105105105105100&ExpDate=1210&AMT=1.00" 10
> --
> and the test transaction works fine.
> However,
> when I use the payflow pro processing functions in PHP, I get the error:
> The response: Array ( [RESULT] => -31 [RESPMSG] => The certificate chain did
> not validate, no local certificate found )
> The reason for this is that I need to set the cert path to go and look for
> the  f73e89fd.0 file in my certs directory, and I don't
> know how to tell it to look for it.
> I've already tried setting the environment variable
> PFPRO_CERT_PATH=/usr/local/ssl/certs but that doesn't make a difference.
> It doesn't seem to be an option I can set in the config.h file for the
> payflow pro SDK that I downloaded.
> What's the deal?  Anyone know how to fix this problem?
> Yes, I've RTM and STN already.
> Thanks
> Dan


John Donagher
Application Engineer
Intacct Corp. - Powerful Accounting on the Web
720 University Ave.
Los Gatos CA 95032

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