On further reflection, my first attempt works for the specific example but may 
not in the general case. Try using a combination of max( ...id ) and min( 
...val2 ) and add t1.val2 to the group by clause. This might work, but I've 
deleted my test files now!

On Friday 01 Aug 2003 7:04 am, Nicholas Robinson wrote:
> I think this does what you want. You can probably extend it to do the final
> check for val3 vs. val2 ....
> select distinct t1.val1, max( t1.id ), t1.val2 from table as t1, table as
> t2 where t1.val2 <= t2.val2 group by t1.val1;
> On Thursday 31 Jul 2003 3:22 pm, Petre Agenbag wrote:
> > Hi List
> >
> > I've been trying to do something with one MySQL query, but I don't think
> > it is possible, so, I would need to probably do multiple queries, and
> > possibly have queries inside loops, but I am rather weary of that so,
> > I'd like your views/possible solutions to doing the following:
> >
> >
> > Consider this:
> >
> > id  val1    val2    val3
> > 1   a       1       1
> > 2   b       2       3
> > 3   a       1       2
> > 4   b       2       1
> > 5   c       3       3
> > 6   c       2       1
> >
> > I need to query this table to return this:
> >
> > id  val1    val2    val3
> > 3   a       1       2
> > 4   b       2       1
> > 6   c       2       1
> >
> > Thus, I need to firstly only return ONE row for each val1, and that row
> > MUST be that last row (ie, the row with the highest id, OR, should val3
> > for instance be a date, then with the highest date).
> >
> >
> > if I do a
> >
> > select distinct val1, MAX(id) from table order by val1, then it returns
> >
> > id  val1
> > 3   a
> > 4   b
> > 6   c
> >
> > which is correct, BUT
> > select distinct val1, MAX(id), val2 from table order by val1
> >
> > it returns
> >
> > id  val1    val2
> > 3   a       1
> > 4   b       2
> > 6   c       3       <--- incorrect
> >
> > it then returns the FIRST "hit" for val2 in the db, and NOT the one in
> > the row with the max id...
> >
> > Can I do this with one query? ( PS, I cannot use MAX on val2 or val3,
> > they are text)
> >
> >
> > Thanks

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