1.  Find them.
2.  Charge them.
3.  Prove it was them.
4.  Bomb the shit out of the country they used to spam from.
5.  Salute the US flag.
6.  Move to Canada
7.  Comment on the stupid Americans pushing their morals on the rest of the
8.  Get Drunk
9. Watch Hockey
10. Enjoy life.

I think that is the bigger challenge! :)

Be real - the legislation is a waste of time and money and will never be
enforced or enforcable.  Too many 'anonymous' countries willing to take
money for server hosting in the world.

On 8/12/03 6:53 PM, "Roger B.A. Klorese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> and how will this be enforced.  waste of legislation imo.
> The same way any law is: by filing criminal charges after the fact.


Mike Morton

* Tel: 905-465-1263

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