>     >
>     >    I found something!
>     >    If I set register_globals to Off in php.ini, then session *seems* to
>     YO> well.
>     >    In /tmp, session data file contains both of variable name and value
and I
>     YO> can
>     >    use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["variable"].
>     >    BUT, as before is there no HTTP_SESSION_VARS in PHP variables section
>     YO> phpinfo.
>     >
>     >    I'm so confused and think things are getting weirder. ;(
>     >
>     YO> I set "register_globals = Off" for many reasons.
>     YO> Session may not work with "register_globals = On"??
>     YO> It may be a bug. How about post it as a bug, if you don't like it and
there is
>     YO> no such a bug report.
>   Then, is it not odd that there's no HTTP_SESSION_VARS in PHP Variables
>   section of phpinfo?

I think you might found a new bug in phpinfo().
I don't see HTTP_SESSION_VARS in PHP Variables section neither!! I didn't notice
Question is 'Do developers consider this as a bug or the way it should be'.
How about post a mail to php-dev list?

Yasuo Ohgaki

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