Apache not running as root is a good thing, but probably is... Since it appears you are not the admin of the box, ask them to install Webmin (http://www.webmin.org/webmin) and to give your userid access to the ssh component.
Webmin is installed, it's just not turned on. I am the administrator of
the machine.

I think he wants to do it from Apache /only/, instead of dragging a monitor/keyboard to the computer. But Apache is not running as root.

Yes! I want to do a php script that somehow login as root (since apache
is not running as root). Then I want it to start sshd.

I wonder how you can kill ssh. I ssh to my computer 24/7 and never have I killed it.
I changed some settings and used "killall -HUP sshd" like I've done many
times before. Sure the session is killed, but I've been able to connect
it again... just not this time.


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