just a little point; u can replace
<?echo $search_result2[a.retired_flag]?>
by <?=$search_result2[a.retired_flag]?>
which is better imho.


On Wed, 6 Aug 2003 14:57:23 -0700, Jennifer Goodie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok, here is my query and the bit of code I can't figure out:

$query = "SELECT * from apt_user_t a, apt_company_t b ";
$query .= "WHERE a.user_cd = b.user_cd ";
$query .= "ORDER BY a.username";

$search_results = mysql_query($query) or die("Select
while ($search_result2 = mysql_fetch_array($search_results))
NAME="<? echo $search_result2['user_cd'];?>"
VALUE="<?if ($search_result2[a.retired_flag] ==
1){?>CHECKED<?}?>"> <?echo $search_result2[a.retired_flag]?>
Nothing shows up with the echo or the value. I only included this
checkbox, but all of the other values show up fine. Can someone give me a

Mysql does not prefix returned columns with table_name., so there's probably
no "a.retired_flag" index in your array. A simple way to check this would
be to print_r($search_result2). If you have a column named retired_flag in
both table a and table b and you specifically want the one from table a in
your result set you are going to have to alias it to a different name in
your query, i.e. "SELECT *, a.retired_flag as r_flag"

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