On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 12:36, Marek Kilimajer wrote:
> Are you sure it hangs? It might take a long time to get occupied size. 
> This also depends on the filesystem used, I heard reserfs is best at this.
Well, I thought it was hanging cuz 15 mins went past without any
return...then I figured it had something to do with the fact that its
reading 20Gb of directories and files...

I`m busy investigating some other options :
`du $file -c` seems to work....I`ll try playing around a bit and will
report back later...

I`m not sure what you mean re the filsystem type, I`m using MDK, which I
understand uses ext3 (newbie)....

Thanks for trying to assist...
Chris Blake
Office : (011) 782-0840
Cell : 083 985 0379

If we men married the women we deserved, we should have a very bad time
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                -- Oscar Wilde

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