I'm trying to get a handle on this algorithm as well. If you add
additional children to a parent record, doesn't that require
renumbering all the rgt and lft values in the lineage? For example
(table shamelessly stolen from a website):

 emp         lft  rgt 
 'Albert'      1   12 
 'Bert'        2    3 
 'Chuck'       4   11 
 'Donna'       5    6 
 'Eddie'       7    8 
 'Fred'        9   10 

If I want to add 'Joe' as a subordinate to 'Fred', doesn't that mean
I have to change the lft values for Fred, Chuck, and Albert? Yes,
deleting definitely seems easier. I'm curious about adding...


--- "Chris W. Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Otton <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     on Thursday, August 14, 2003 4:58 PM said:
> > The advantage of doing it this way is that your tree structure is
> > generic and can have many levels. The disadvantage is that you
> may
> > need many SQL queries to fully traverse the tree (though people
> > rarely want to do this, and sub-selects, clever joins or
> post-query
> > processing can reduce the overhead).
> Which is why you should use the Modified Preorder Tree Traversal
> method
> instead. With that method you've got one table that defines the
> categories AND their relationships to each other.
> Your SQL queries end up looking something like this.
> SELECT name
> FROM categories
> WHERE lft >= x
>       AND rgt <= y
> Chris.
> --
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