It seems to me that this used to work but I guess something has changed somewhere between PHP 4.2 and 4.3?

I am running PHP 4.3.2 as an Apache DSO on an FBSD box. If it is not obvious, I am trying to parse checkbox form POST results as seen below:

   foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS as $ThisVar=>$ThisVal){
       if(ereg("color-", $ThisVar) AND $ThisVal=="on" OR $ThisVal==1){
           $newVarA=explode("-", $ThisVar);

*Warning*: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in */devda1/htdocs/* on line 2

I guess I just need to know what this variable name has been changed to. I searched the PHP.NET manual for $HTTP_POST_VARS and got no results.

Thanks in advance & sorry for the dumb question..


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