mod_php is the recommended installation for Apache. Thousands of people use mod_php with Apache. When I switched to mod_php from CGI I saw a significant performance increase, also you can not use things like Turck MMCache in CGI mode. In short not that I'm aware of, you might google for it but you should be fine. On cavaeat is with CGI PHP can execute as the owner of the script, with mod_php it executes as the web server.


Lane Vance wrote:


I work for a large web hosting company and we currently use php.cgi. We are
considering changing to use mod_php. Is anyone aware of any security issues
with using mod_php? Are there any stability issues? Theoretically, could a
customer write php code that could crash Apache? Any other pros or cons to
mod_php vs. php.cgi?

We have been using php as a cgi for many years and no one seems to remember
why we starting running it as a cgi rather than an Apache module.

Thanks, Lane

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