
Tuesday, August 19, 2003, 12:03:51 AM, you wrote:
KKA> Guys I have a problem here.
KKA> I'm using PHP 4.3.2 and httpd 1.3.28.
KKA> Look my exemple.
KKA> I have a page whith a Form method post, and I submit this page to teste2.php, but 
I dont can request de data from the text box...

KKA> #######################
KKA> This is the test page

KKA> <html>
KKA> <body>
KKA> <form action="teste2.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
KKA> <input type="text" name="texto">
KKA> <input type="submit" value="ok">
KKA> </form>
KKA> </body>
KKA> </html>

KKA> #####################
KKA> Teste2.php

KKA> <?php
KKA> $string = $_POST['texto'];
KKA> echo "Var em post: ".$string."<br>";
KKA> echo "Var em get: ".$_GET['texto']."<br>";

KKA> //phpinfo();
KKA> ############################################

KKA> Some one can help me...???

KKA> Klaus Kaiser Apolinário
KKA> Curitiba online

is your second page Teste2.php or teste2.php ?

if Teste2.php it wont match your form declaration otherwise there is
nothing wrong with the code.


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