> 1. I can see that you have issues with anger. Have you thought about
> seeing a therapist?

        If you see me as angry you're reading waaaayyy too much into these
e-mails.  I'm trying to educate...

> 2. So because other lists aren't doing it, this one shouldn't also? I
> wonder, would you jump off a bridge if everyone else was doing it too?

        No.  That's a completely unrelated scenario.  I have direct control
over my actions.  I do not, however, have direct control over actions of
others -- including the people who create nasty worms to spam people
with.  My point is sometimes people do things that can't be controlled
-- so you should just accept it and get on with life.  

> 3. I'm not talking about spam sir. 

        Well you should be because that was what the original thread was
about.  Perhaps before jumping into an argument you should read the
entire thread.  Somebody complained that there are a number of bounced
e-mails and e-mails to this list about there being a virus in the

        There is a worm going around which hijacks address books of windows
users and spams them with the worm and other stuff.  It also uses the
addresses in teh address book to spam


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