
Though many consider netscape to be a poor alternative to explorer as a browser, it's far superior to outlook when it comes to mail. Far safer too. :-)). Most of us on linux use mozzilla for everything - browsing, chatting and email.


aparantly it was designed to slow the web down, and its proved that, but
also aparantly it infects by not even opening an attatchment but it could
possibly have vb script within a html email :\

On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 11:11:43AM -0400, andu wrote:

Is this worm/virus windows specific?

It appears so but considering a good percent of users are MS/Outlook
users this is a bad one. Got over 100 yesterday, 100+ the day before
and looking at the same today. Considering I hardly ever have seen a
wild virus emailed to me, this is a bad one.
Jerry M. Howell II

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