
Saturday, August 23, 2003, 10:01:54 PM, you wrote:
MW> Hallo Tom,

MW> am Samstag, 23. August 2003 um 05:14 hast Du Folgendes gekritzelt:

TR>> This should do it:

TR>> eval('${"content".$databasepagename}[$i]();');

MW> I'm afraid to say it, but it does not :-(

MW> Yesterday I was also trying to find some manual pages about eval()
MW> which would explain me the syntax. The example in the PHP-Manual is
MW> not meaning much to me.

MW> How can I print out what eval would evaluate, so I can see how to
MW> compose the string?

MW> Thx for answering again ;-)


This works for me, what error message do you get? Make sure you use
single quotes in the eval otherwise the string will get substituted
before eval gets a look at it.

$contentarray = array(1=>'testpage');
function testpage(){
        echo 'Test succceeded <br>';
$i = 1;
$databasepagename = 'array';



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