I did as what you said. But the problem now is that I am not able to get the
values in the next page.


header ("Location: /main.php");

echo $failed;// this is null here

What might be the problem ?

Thanks in advance,

> Murugesan,
> I'll assume your redirecting the user to main.php because (s)he has passed
> the authentication routine... in that case just store the username and
> password as a session variable that way you wont need to pass the username
> and password via the url.
> auth.php, [just before the call to header()]:
> <?
>   session_register('empid');
>   session_register('pwd');
>   header ("Location: /main.php");
> ?>
> then in main.php you need to start your session to access the session
> variables
> <?
>   session_name("yoursessionname");
>   session_start();
>   // you now have access to $empid and $pwd
>   echo "<br>your employee id = $empid and the password you typed was
> ?>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: murugesan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, 25 August 2003 15:18
> > To: Cody Phanekham; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: Re: [PHP] How to open random Flash page with hyperlink?
> >
> >
> > Thanks for the information.
> > In the code you provided
> >
> > ----if ((!$passwd) || (!$username)) // user hasnt logged in
> >      {
> >   .....
> >
> > Actually I have implemented this in a separate page.
> >
> > That is upon sign up of the <form> in the index page
> > I call a new page auth.php
> > In that file
> > I have done this authentication and called the function
> > header ("Location: /main.php?empid=$empid&pwd=$pwd");
> >
> > Actually when passing this URL the password appears in the
> > address bar.
> > How to over come this? It will be very much usefull if I get
> > the answer.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > -Murugesan
> > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------------
> > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------------
> > -
> > Ok lets say you want every user to login before they can
> > access other parts
> > of your site.
> >
> > index.php:
> > <?
> > session_name("mysessionname");
> > session_start();
> > session_register("s_authed");
> > $s_authed = 0; // initialize session flag
> >
> > if ((!$passwd) || (!$username)) // user hasnt logged in
> > {
> >   // display login form
> >   ...
> > }
> > else
> > {
> >   // retrieve database username and password here
> >   ...
> >   // check if they match
> >   if (($db_passwd == $passwd) && ($db_username == $username))
> >   {
> >     $s_authed = 1; // user has been authorised
> >     // redirect to real page
> >     echo "
> >     <script>
> >       window.location='main.php'
> >     </script>";
> >   }
> > }
> > ?>
> >
> > main.php:
> > <?
> > session_name("mysessionname");
> > session_start();
> > if (!$s_authed) // check access
> > {
> >   // user hasnt been authorised, therefore redirect to login page
> >   echo "
> >   <script>
> >     window.location='index.php'
> >   </script>";
> > }
> > else
> > {
> >   // display page
> >   ...
> > }
> > ?>
> >
> >
> > if a user tries to access main.php directly without logging
> > in they will be
> > redirected to index.php
> >
> > checkout http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php for
> > more information
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks for the message.
> > > Can you please tell me how to do session authentication?.
> > >
> > > -murugesan

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