* Thus wrote Rob Yelvington ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Is there a way to surpress round() or number_format() from rounding 
> decimal places?
> I have a value of ".253338" being returned via a calc function.
> I take that value and multiply by 100 because I want "25.333" to be 
> displayed.
> I've used round(), sprintf(), and number_format() and each of them 
> rounds the value up.

One  would expect sprintf not too round, but, behold, it does.
According to bugs.php.net, it is not a bug.

> I had a problem with precision earlier which I solved...my 'precision' 
> setting in php.ini was set too low.  Is there something in php.ini that 
> controls rounding?
> Any heads up are appreciated!

Perhaps by truncating the string to your precision that you desire.

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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