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Have a look at http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/barry20000731.php3 for an
overview of db design and http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/joe20010104.php3

I havent read either in depth but they seem OK.

As a nice litle SQL overview i often recommended
http://w3.one.net/~jhoffman/sqltut.htm which is a nice handy overview of all
the various SQL commands.

Have fun.

(Funnily enough out of all my textbooks on DB design my favourite refresher
on Normalisation theory is a photocopy of a chapter from a "Visual Basic 3
and Databases" pretty embarrassing but i've helped several people with it ;)


Mark Nold
Senior Consultant
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin French [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 10:45 AM
Cc: php
Subject: Re: [PHP] tutorials on good database design

Jason Murray wrote:

> True - I find the best way to explain database design to someone is by
> having them design a database (as with someone here last week whom I
> helped out with an office sports tipping database as a little how-to-SQL
> project) and help them out as they go.

First up, thanks to everyone for the quick replies!! Went out to lunch,
came back, lot's of replies -- thanks :)

I'll have to dig through the hard drive, and find the data stuff that i
was working on a while back, so that we can discuss a real world example.

I'll probably post it late today or tomorrow.


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