If I were you, I would use the following:

if (!is_a ($miInstancia, 'db'))
$miInstancia=new db();

That way you can ensure that the variable has been instantiated and is an instance of the db class.. But it may not really matter..

Jordan S. Jones

Alvaro Martinez wrote:

I've found the solution myself.
The db class is the next:

class db{

function db (){
// funcion que se conecta con la BBDD
$result = @mysql_pconnect("inforalv", "discoteca", "password");
if (!$result)
return false;
if ([EMAIL PROTECTED]("discoteca"))
return false;

function &getInstancia(){
static $miInstancia;
if (!get_class($miInstancia) == 'db')
$miInstancia=new db();
return $miInstancia;

and the call to this class is the next:


In the second call I obtain the same object.

Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda


"Dynamical.Biz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje

Although PHP supports static variables in functions (see here), it has no
support for static variables in classes.

(espero que te sirva)


aniceto lópez :: DYNAMICAL.BIZ
web development & host services
Barcelona - Spain

-----Mensaje original----- Asunto: [PHP] var static

I want to obtain only one instance of one class. In other to do that, I call to a static method, that creates the instance(if it doesnt exit) or returns the reference of the instance. The call to the static method is the next:


Well, but if I call to db::getInstancia() another time, I obtain another new
object  :-(

The code of the db class is the next (it is a Singleton Pattern, but it
doesnt work)

class db{
      var $_miInstancia;

      function db (){
         // funcion que se conecta con la BBDD
            static $miInstancia;

            $result = @mysql_pconnect("inforalv", "discoteca", "password");
            if (!$result)
              return false;
            if ([EMAIL PROTECTED]("discoteca"))
              return false;

&function getInstancia(){
  if (!isset($this))
     $_miInstancia=new db();
  return $_miInstancia;

I think that the problem is that the var _miInstance is not static and I
dont know how to do it.
Could you please tell me if there is anything wrong?



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