
The best approach for you is to use XSLT. good information about XSLT can be found on w3shcools.com
briefly what it can do is to take an xml and convert it to virtually any other format. For this is to happen though you need to have strict XHTML transistion will not do because it's not always well formed.

If you are really keen to parse your XHTML and go on that path, it can be done with SAX (once again provided that it's well formed). Otherwise the best HTML parser i have seen actuall comes with perl.

best regards

Joe Harman wrote:

Hey maybe you guys can help me out here.

I would like to start developing for WAP enabled devices. since there
are a lot of people out there who still have phones that use different
version of WML and still some that use HDML. and then the new phones
being able to display XHTML. I would like to either find a parser or
make one that will convert a XHTML file to be compatable with the older
mark-up languages. does anyone have experience with this?

Give you an example.. I have a Sanyo SCP-4700 on the Sprint PCS network.
only HDML 3.0 and WML 1.1 is compatable.. So I run into a lot of
different errors.

So the first step would be to figure out how to determine a cell phone
user's browser. So what's it capable of WML 1.1 or WML 2.0, HDML.. Or

Appreciate the feedback,

Joe Harman


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