There are two magical commands on linux called 'locate' and 'find' :-) if you have locate just type
locate c-client or some filename associated with the imap lib.

find is more complicated you could try something like

find / -name 'c-client*' | more

the above will search your whole hard disk so it could take some time.

Merlin wrote:

Hi there,

I would like to upgrade to the latest php version.

My old version was build with imap a year ago. Now I found, that the directory which contained the imap files:
'--with-imap=/home/sw/horde/imap-2002.RC2' '
does not longer exist. So I guess I have to rebuild the c-client library?
Is there a way around this? I am getting errors I cant solve while installing the c-client. The old c-client should be anywhere on the system, since php is running fine at the moment, right?

Can anybody give me an advice how to solve this dilema?



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