
got a big session-problem and i have no idea what i'm doing wrong...

i have quite a big web-app and i tried to upgrade the code.
ex:     $frm_id     to    $_POST['frm_id']
and    $HTTP_SESSION_VAR['myId']   to   $_SESSION['myId']
... ect...

i changed the register_globals = Off in the php.ini and tried to browse my

now my problem: i wrote in my navigation-frame this code:
   if( !isset($_SESSION['testint'] ) )
       $_SESSION['testint'] = 1;

after the print_r() i can see my 'testint'-session-variable on the
navigation-site. however on the other frame-site. i do NOT see this
'testint'-session-variable when i reload it. and when i reload the
navigation-frame the variable does appear but does NOT increase. isset()
always return false!!! when i take a look at the session-file on my
Computer, i do NOT find the variable 'testint'...

now when i make a complete new dummy php-file and copy-paste this
session-code on the navigation-site then the session works perfectly. even
when i call the navigation-site again AFTER processing this dummy-php-file.
the session for this variable works suddenly.

what am i doing wrong???
please give me a hint!
regards, jazper

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