This isn't really a problem with PHP, you will encounter it with many other languages how is the parser supposed to know you haven't closed a brace until it reaches the end of the file? It doesn't match using indentation like humans do.

Indenting code and code syntax highlighting make it very easy to spot an open brace, vim is an excellent editor, komodo, zend studio, eclipse, etc.


Mike Migurski wrote:

Cuz the the way the PHP parser is written makes it impossible to discover
the error before it gets to the end of the file, and realizes that there
are no more braces to go around.

It definitely sucks... almost as badly as a stray backtick. Try finding
that little bugger at 1600x1280...

This is where the benefits of a syntax-coloring text editor really come into play - you find the missing backtick as soon as you see your code colored like a text string.

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:

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