Writing something like this as part of a Web application is definitely a 
bad idea.

The requirement is more like that of a remote administration system and
Webmin (http://www.webmin.com/) cleanly and safely fits the bill. 
Webmin can actually do more than just restarting Apache. But it 
can be configured to do only that. 

best regards.

On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Jason Sheets wrote:

> More safely maybe, but even that solution could be exploited somewhat 
> easily.  The script that writes the file would be better off as a CGI 
> than executed through the Apache module, this would allow you to 
> restrict write access to the directory where the file that triggers the 
> restart is stored to the owner of the script, you could then further 
> restrict access to this script through .htccess or other means.  If you 
> make a file trigger a cronned job to restart the server if you are using 
> mod_php the directory must be writable to the user the web server runs 
> as which means that anyone who can execute php code through the 
> webserver can trigger a server restart by writing the file, you could 
> even cron it to write the file every  minute effectively shutting the 
> server down (whether it be web or the actual system itself).
> Doing something like this takes a lot of thought, it can be made 
> difficult to exploit but you need to do more than just make a cron 
> pickup a file, excellent starting place though.
> Jason
> Dan Anderson wrote:
> >Search the archives.  Somebody wanted to restart their server using a
> >web page, and a clever solution was pointed out.  By creating a script
> >that monitored for a particular file in temp and restarted the server if
> >it existed it, and cronning it for every minute, they could do it safely
> >and securely.
> >
> >-Dan
> >
> >On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 12:19, Joe Harman wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>Hey guys & gals... 
> >>
> >>Is there a way to restart Apache with a PHP command?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Joe Harman
> >>
> >> 
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >  
> >

Linuxense Information Systems Pvt. Ltd., Trivandrum, India

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