I'm going to use the curl libs. But FYI i was wanting to forward the data
again using post.

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Keith Vance wrote:

> You could can "forward" posted data the same way if you wanted to. I don't
> know what you mean by forwarding. But if you had one script that was a
> form and the action was set to a script called action.php and then you
> wanted to pass that data to yet another script, you could pass the values
> in the url or a session variable or hidden fields in another form.
> Keith
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Nick Davies wrote:
> >
> > How do i forward POST data from a php script.  Obviously GET is simple
> > (just script.php?$QUERY_STRING) but how does it work with post?
> >
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Nick.
> >
> >
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