
Just a personal opinion only: If you are a die hard OO fan. you are better of with J2EE. If you were brought up on C, think linux is the best thing that ever happened to computers, welcome to the world of PHP.

best regards


I am building a project where I plan to build a site with PHP.  Right now I
have organized it with the following:

Page objects ­ format and layout of the pages
Functional Objects ­ Database querys
Data objects ­ objects that hold data specific to the object type.
Scripts ­ scripts called to instantiate objects, and run the site.

That is my high level plan. Is this a decent approach? Or should I
structure it differently at this level. I need to make sure this site is
secure, so certain pages cannot be directly accessed (not sure how to do
that). I am looking to make the structure simple to manage the complexity
of the data flow.

Any ideas how to best manage projects in PHP?  Išve seen object oriented PHP
sites and totally scripted (procedural) sites.  But I am confused which
would be better.


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