Can't resist trowing in my 0.02 either:

As dan pointed out it's so much faster to do things in php. When you take into consideration the fact that code on windows never work the way it's supposed you are saving a lot of man hours.

Second point worth mentioning is that a given languages/frameworks will be faster at certains tasks while slower at another task. Thus as jay has explained generic benchmarks are realy of little significance.

Dan Anderson wrote:

is slower. The difference is .035 seconds. Does this matter? Who is
asking which is faster? Why do they care? Are they looking for a reason
to choose one technology over another?

<Throw In 2 Cents>

        I totally agree with you, but I find it funny that many times when
talking to people they don't seem to realize that unless you are talking
about an enterprise solution for a Fortune 500 company, it is the
/developer/ time that costs the most.  So let's assume a developer can
get a solution done in PHP in a weeks worth of work and in for 2
weeks.  Then you have spent enough to buy a second server for redundancy
on a solution that is .035 seconds faster.

But hey, I don't complain much. It keeps me employed.

</Throw In 2 Cents>


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