At 16:58 9-9-03, you wrote:

After installing Apache then PHP, i was told by php that apache wasnt
configured, so i followed the instructions in the install.txt file. But
everytime i view the files through the local host but i only see the
written code, So how do i get this to work, assuming that Apache isnt
giving the details to php to decode.

I am using Win XP
Apache 1.3.23
MYSQL 3.23.49
PHP 4.1.1

any ideas on how i can solve this and do you need any more info?

Did you edit the Apache httpd.conf file? If so, what lines did you add? Did you restart Apache after that? Did Apache start successfully then?

How come PHP tells you Apache is not configured?? That's weird. What's the message?
Do you use http://localhost/path/file.php ? Or is the file called .htm?

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