>>>This is really funny i've been doing php for a good while now but what
>>>is the reason to use the & symbol on the function ?
>>returns by reference.
>ok i get it but why would i need it in my example ?

I think it was a hypothetical thing on Brad's part ... one of the annoying
things about object creation is that there are several steps in the chain
where references become copies: 'new', the return from the constructor
function, and the '=' operator itself. So if you really want to use true
references everywhere (which you probably don't; they don't save much
memory/CPU), you end up having to pepper your code with ampersands
/everywhere/. Then the joys of Apache crashes due to null pointer
dereferencing kick in... *shudder*.

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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