I've made a form to send out emails with attachments, and the attachments look ok when they arrive but the content is somehow bad. I cannot open gifs nor can word open the documents. Looking at the content something may be wrong with the encoding: if i open the GIF file the normal one as well as the attachment I sent start with GIF89a, but then they start to be different.
I think this is the relevant part of my code:

if (strpos($atta_type,';')){$atta_type=substr($atta_type,0,strpos($atta_type,';'));} //for Opera

$fp = fopen($atta_tmp_name,"rb");
while (!feof($fp)){ $filedata .= addslashes(fread($fp,1200));}

$filedata = chunk_split(base64_encode($filedata));

           $attachment = $atta_type."\n\n"
                        ."Content-Type: $atta_type"."; name = \"$atta_name\"\n"
                        ."Content-Transfer-Encoding: $encoding"

Just for fun the headers as well:

'From: "SENSE mailinglist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
'Subject: '.$subject
'Return-Receipt-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
'Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
'MIME-Version: 1.0'
'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="'.$boundary."\"\n\n");////'To: SENSE_List'

"This is a MIME encoded message. \n\n"
."Content-Type: ".(($IsHTML)?'text/html':'text/plain')."\n"
."Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n"
.$mailbody .$message

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